Friday, June 25, 2010

Week of Playdates

We refuse to say good-bye to our friends here in Virginia because we feel certain that we will be back in the area in a few short years. But that didn't keep us from filling our last weeks with farewells, dinners, and playdates.

Friday afternoon football with the Cliftons:
Keagan, Isaiah, Noah, Ruthe, and Evan

Monday night dinner and icecream with Pagels:
Coen, Keagan, Campbell, and Evan

Sunday Lunch with Davis' and Wires:
Jonathan, Chloe, Keegan, Evan, Kale, Keagan, Cody
Caleb, Eliana, Liam

Wii Games and Football with Mason and Charley
Park Playdate with Trace
Dinner with Isaac and Juliet
I wanted so badly to document all of the "lasts" for the boys, and I carried the stinkin' camera with me everywhere to do just that. With the good-byes, I totally forgot to actually use the camera.

The boys are missing all of you already.

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