Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

Nothing says Easter like waking to find a dead rabbit on your porch, but that is exactly what happened to us today. Maybelle must have gone on a hunt last night, and she left the hind quarters of a rabbit on the porch as proof. Keagan firmly believes Maybelle felt threatened last night when the Easter Bunny finally made it to our house, and her instinct to protect us kicked in just in time. Thankfully, the Easter Bunny was able to fill the baskets with candy and toys before Maybelle struck.

On another note, I'm pretty sure this is the last Easter than I can expect either boy to agree to wear a two piece ensemble. This particular outfit that Keagan has on has been worn on Easter four different times, not in a row mind you, but it has been with us for the last three moves and it gets cuter every year!

I realized last night that I had no ham to make a traditional Easter lunch. At first I was really bummed and then I realized the lack of a ham meant I had an excuse, a pretty good one too, to eat Five Guys for lunch. And we did. It was good. Even if it is a little pathetic.

Happy Easter! We hope the Easter Bunny made it your house before his demise!

1 comment:

  1. Five Guys for Easter lunch must have won you major points with the boys! :) Love your dress, by the way :)
