Wednesday, April 2, 2014

He Said It

K: Dad, can you help me pour my cereal?

W: Keagan, let me show you how to do it so that you can do it for yourself next time. You know the saying "You teach a man to fish and you teach him to eat for a lifetime."

K: Huh?

W: It means I can show you how to pour the cereal and then you will be able to eat even if we are busy doing other things and can't pour the cereal for you. It means you should learn how to do things for yourself and not rely upon us to do everything for you. It means, Keagan, that you should be able to pour the cereal all by yourself. Teach a man to fish and you team him to eat for a lifetime. If you can learn to fish, you won't go hungry.

K: OK?! Can you get the milk?

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