Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Big Win

After almost six weeks, I was finally able to wear a pair of heels to work. I can't tell you how much I have missed those Toms wedges, or how boring it can be to wear flip flops every single hour of every single day for 41 days! Oh, to be able to walk with no pain AND to do it in a cute pair of shoes! I can't even begin to explain how relieved I am to have survived another torn muscle. Remember that race I promised on the last day of school? Yeah, that's a no-go. I can't fathom trying to run...yet.

Although my progress with my sports injury is big news in my mind, I am even more excited to celebrate Keagan's big win. He won the Accelerated Reading Contest for the third year in a row!

His teacher told him all year he had another win in him and pushed him by sending home stacks of books to read. I thought I had all I could possibly stand of Flat Stanley and his flat adventures until Captain Underpants came onto the scene. That series took twaddle to a whole different level!

Awards Day has always been the highlight of the school year, namely because of the big prizes, but it also affirms (for mother and son) that all of our hard work pays off in the end. In addition to certificates, dog tags, ribbons, and medals, Keagan came home with a $50 gift card.

Let the Battle of Toy Aisle Indecisiveness begin. As Little Bit debates the usefulness of another basketball, the excitement of a Skylander action figure, and the cool factor of a Corvette model car, you'll find me on the shoe aisle, right next to the house shoes. Those super cute wedges may have done me in.

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