Thursday, May 16, 2013

Art Show

It's that time again. Time for the annual art show.The boys were less than thrilled when I wrote the event on the calendar. They made up every excuse as to why we should not attend. They almost convinced me until I heard the third round of arguments, and then curiosity got the better of me. 

Evan told me I would laugh when I saw his self-portrait. I admit I giggled when he told me he got too much red paint on the mouth, it smeared, and now looked like he had a great big birth mark on his cheek. My giggle turned into a laugh when he told me I might confuse his picture for a giraffe because he miscalculated the size of the neck. Then he told me the football he drew in the corner to symbolize his favorite hobby actually looked more like a pork chop. We laughed and laughed about the artwork that he described and I envisioned in my mind's eye. 

It wasn't until tonight, though, that I realized the project was modeled after the work of Frida Kahlo and her collection of self-portraits. I think he mastered the concept of surrealism - even if it was unintended. I can't wait to frame it and add it to my art wall - birth mark, pork chop, and all.

Keagan's class studied the Tree of Life. The second grade wall was covered in trees of all shapes and sizes. However, Keagan had no idea which was his. Or so he claimed. I told him he would sit on the bench at Saturday's soccer game if he didn't get his picture taken with his mural. I got the picture but no smile.

When we got home, he finally admitted that his tree was hanging on the wall. He thankfully stood right next to it when his picture was taken. (His is on the top row, second from the left.) I love the swirly q's, the bright green paint, and the eyes he placed in the center of the paper. It, too, will hang on the art wall. 

I take back everything I have ever said about my boys and art because I now have an entire wall of my house filled with framed works that they have painstakingly created since we have been in Georgia. I love every single one of them. 

Every. Single. One. of. Them.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures! Love the boys' expressions even more. Priceless.
