Saturday, September 22, 2012

Soccer, Friends, and Wins

 On Saturday we spent 12 hours on the soccer fields. Twelve hours in temps hovering around 90 degrees. Because I have nothing else to do. At all. Armed with an ice chest, beach blankets, sideline chairs, sunblock, multiple jerseys, and anything else that could possibly fit in the back of the car, we looked like we were prepared to spend the night there, too.

Keagan's first game ended in a tie. It was a very exciting game with Keagan scoring the second goal that we thought was the winning goal. While we waited four hours for Evan's first game, we ran into some old friends.

 The only thing that had changed was the color of our jerseys. The boys hung out with their old team mates and well, watched even more soccer.

Then it was Evan's turn. His team played two games back to back and won both. Evan scored and had an assist. Because I now know all of the team members names, it is much easier to cheer. However, I lost my voice on Friday, and by Saturday, I had only a fraction of my voice box functionally properly. It was a sad day for me; great day for the coaches.

As we walked back to the car, Keagan said, "Well, this was a pretty fun day. How long were we here, Mom? It looks like it is getting dark."

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