Sunday, May 18, 2014

Magnum PI's in the House!

This weekend was our last of the spring soccer season. We could not have ended the season with a bigger bang. It was that good!

Let's begin with this.

I might be a little confused, but is that Magnum PI on the field? Look at those shorts! They are so short, the 80s called looking for their shorty shorts. But no, it's only Evan. The kid that grew five inches in nine months and wears a discontinued uniform kit that cannot be replaced.

He played the game of his life today. He had an assist on a throw in, a bicycle kick!!!, and a defensive game that left the opposing team in tears and the coach screaming for justice!

Keagan's team also played this weekend; they played the best weekend of soccer I have ever seen them play. There were some wicked stare downs, a few elbows thrown, and a foul called when Keagan left another player on his knees and in the dust!  Now that I am recalling today's highlights, I can vaguely remember that someone waiting for the next game to begin made a comment when Keagan scored the goal that tied the game and I jumped up and down the sideline yelling and screaming my head off. It went something like, "Oh, Wow! Look at that mom!" I completely understand if my pride in this type of behavior may disturb you, but it will do nothing to change my future behavior. It's a problem that I am more than willing to admit, and it is this type of behavior that made me covet the t-shirt I saw a fellow soccer mom wearing that said, "I Can't Stay Calm. I'm a Soccer Mom." 

The boys won the final game, and they went home with champion medals!

Spring soccer comes to an end, and I can't even begin to be sad because 3v3 practice begins after Memorial Day. Bring it on! But let me find some new shorts for Magnum first!

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