Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Welcome Home

Last October, Evan agreed to take on Wes's weekly chore of taking out the trash while Wes was deployed. For nine months we counted down the trash days, celebrating each Tuesday night as we got closer and closer to no more trash days and thus Wes's return. That is until we reached zero and Wes was still living the high life in Camp Beuhring. It was on this day that Evan declared that he had served his time; his trash days were over. Since then I have been taking out the trash, and I am happy to announce that I am done with trash days. Late last night, Wes finally made it home. The other travelers pulled out their phones and started taking pictures when they saw Keagan running down the tunnel with his arms opened wide. 

Wes asked this morning,"What happened? Evan's like a teenager now?"

A year is a long time, and yet it seems like just yesterday he left.

1 comment:

  1. Wes, we're so happy you're home safely! (Probably not as happy as you are though.) These pictures are awesome!
