Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Morning

Santa found us all the way in Texas.

Evan and Keagan both got Kindle Fires. This is the single best Christmas present EVER. It took us fifteen hours to drive back home yesterday, and they didn't have one major fight the entire drive. They were totally engrossed in reading, games, apps, and music. Thank God Santa remembered head phones.

Keagan got a Razor Riprider 360 bike. It rides like the old Big Wheels but it has caster wheels on the back, and Keagan can do 360s in the cul-de-sac. It is totally him and fulfills his need for speed. It is also the closest thing to NASCAR that he will ever see in my house.

I think the noise of the remote control car almost sent my mom over the edge, but it was the one gift Keagan had to have. This will totally become an outside toy here in Geogia, though. Keagan already has plans to chase the field mice with this thing.

On warm nights we love to sit on the porch and look at the stars. It really isn't that much fun, though, when it is 35 degrees and sleeting. Oh, to be back in Georgia and seventy degree weather! The single best thing about living in Georgia.

Vikki and Me...Christmas Morning

As always the adults on my side of the family forego presents and take a trip together in the summer. In June we are headed to the beach in Puerto Rico!

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