Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Night Before Christmas

It's 73 degrees and the air conditioning has been on all day, but today was the first grade Christmas program. Keagan's class dressed as reindeer.

Keagan nailed his lines and his phenomenal acting skills had everyone chuckling, or maybe it was because it was the only set of lines audible by the audience. Either way, it was awesome to be able to see it, and since the front office at my school lost my leave form, I almost didn't get to see it.

The program went off like any other program with 125 six year olds, something akin to organized chaos with really bad choreography. However, the star of the show was Santa himself. It wasn't just any old Santa cameo, though, Guys. This Santa really got into the finale of the program. He danced with Mrs. Clause, sang a few lines of the Christmas carols, and walked through the sea of little kids patting them all on the head. Until his pants fell down to his knees. No lie, Guys. Santa was standing in nothing but his underwear in front of 450 people dancing, and after what seemed like a lifetime, he finally realized his pants were wrapped up around his knees. The lady sitting next to me, a complete stranger, grabbed my arm with one hand, put one hand up to her mouth in a state of shock, and started mumbling words, words completely lost to me because I was trying to figure out how Santa's lack of pants could be related to the story of the Night Before Christmas.

We all left laughing so hard our bellies were shaking like bowls full of jelly.

Keagan said, "It's a good thing Santa likes to wear Under Armour because if he wore Tighty Whities like Daddy, then that just would have been really embarrassing." 

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