Wednesday, December 14, 2011

SOAR Student

Last week Evan came up with the great idea of having a class kick ball tournament. The Best of Five, he calls it. He some how persuaded every kid in his class to participate (even the girl who wears high heels), and he even asked the teacher to be the umpire (because according to Evan his teacher knows everything about kickball, and just as much as Opa knows about baseball). He went so far as to say that he thought the wins and losses should be graphed in a bar graph (he just might be my son).

He wrote up a list of names for the draft, created team rosters, and even wrote out his kicker line up. Believe me when I say he has put a lot of time into this kickball tournament. In fact, he left the house this morning lamenting the fact that he had put all of his weak kickers in the middle of the line up and he didn't think this was a really good strategy. He decided to re-write the line up while on the bus on the way to school.

If anyone knows Evan, you know he is competitive. He can't lose, just can't lose. At anything. Uno. Checkers. Soccer. So when teams were created and he began picking the kids from the class to be on his team, I was completely shocked to hear his choice. He picked a special ed student, the kid that doesn't really fit in and the kid that others laugh at when they see him in the halls. Today, in game three of The Best of Five, that kid kicked a triple and later scored a run so that his team won. The team went wild and this little boy went crazy with excitement. Eventually, the entire class was cheering for this little boy. Evan's retelling of today's game brought a tear to my eye...okay maybe two tears to my eyes.

Next month, when I am believing for the 500th time that I have made the worst decision in the world to send my kids to public school, I want to remember today's story. This lesson in life could never be taught in my living room. This lesson in life would never be experienced at the private school down the street.

Congratulations, Evan. This is just one reason why you deserve this month's recognition as SOAR student!

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