Friday, July 19, 2013

Summer Time Excitement

While trying not to think of school and the end of summer, the boys and I have spent long days watching Family Feud (I can't even explain their fascination with this game) and making an assortment of recipes that friends have posted on Facebook. I made paella that was to die for, bean dip that was cheesy good, peanut butter bars that added five pounds to each of us, and tomorrow we are having breakfast cupcakes. We have also learned, after surveying 100 people, the top six talk show hosts that would monopolize a conversation at a dinner party.

While trying not to think of school and the end of summer, the boys and I took Maybelle to the vet for her annual vaccinations that were thirteen months past due. While there, we decided it might be a good idea to ask the vet if he could do anything with her eye that has been swollen shut for the last week and a half. We learned we have a stressed out cat and that once she becomes unstressed, her eye will open again. And so now we must walk on tip toe within our own house so that we decrease the level of anxiety experienced with the cat. Somehow, I think Keagan's attempt to make Maybelle a Power Ranger might have exacerbated her condition. At this rate, she will be a one eyed cat for at least another week.

While trying not to think of school and the end of summer, the boys have been training for a triathalon. I took the boys hiking one day this week and I got smoked. We had been on the trail for about ten minutes and I was breathing hard climbing up the side of the cave, and Evan looked at me in all seriousness and said, "How can you already be tired?" I have resolved to never hike with him again. In all honesty, I have perhaps spent one too many hours watching TV with the boys. Earlier this summer Evan found the Maury Povich talk show, and when I kindly suggested that the boys find something else to watch, Evan said, "This is so white trash, but I just can't not watch. These people are 'complete train wrecks.' "

We have one more week of summer! It proves to be just as exciting.

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