Friday, July 26, 2013

The Touched Artist

We spent the night at the local art museum and botanic gardens listening to live music and walking around the grounds of an old plantation. We passed the mint plants, and Keagan asked, "Dad, is that what you had to chew on when you were a kid to clean your teeth? You know since there wasn't any toothpaste then?"

The boys weren't too impressed with the cello player or the woodwind trio. Keagan said, "We're in Nashville. Where's the country music?" And just around the corner we found them: a banjo player and a guitarist playing Turkey in the Straw. Keagan clapped to the beat and enjoyed the music as much as the over-fifty crowd that had gathered to hear the next Merle Travis piece. 

And then the sun set and we got to finally see what we had anticipated all afternoon: the outdoor light display. We fought the crowds, the slow walking elderly, and and the non-English speaking tour bus to see the art work in the forms of LED lights. 

 Beautiful. Interesting. Unique.

I was so proud to be able to expose the boys to something beyond splash parks and another game of Family Feud. On our way out of the park, Evan said, "The lights were great and I liked how they changed colors, but I think the artist must be touched because I don't see how any of these lights are supposed to look like sea urchins or lightning bugs."

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