Friday, July 19, 2013

Boyhood to Teenhood

I continue to lament the fact that my boys are growing up and growing up too fast. Here are reasons number 54-57 that make me realize my older son is leaving boyhood.

1. We left the house today to obtain our annual sport physicals and he remembered to wear underwear. Better yet, I didn't have to give any reminders like "Brush your hair, wear a clean shirt and don't forget your underwear."

2. The nurse measured his height at 5'1''. What ten year old is over five feet tall? He ranked in the 99th percentile, so I guess I am correct in assuming that few others create Amazon children. He was super excited to carry this stat and immediately told Wes, "Dad, I'm so tall that if you took all the fifth graders in the United State and lined them up, only one of those kids would be taller than me."

3. We went out to eat tonight and he walked down the stairs in a season appropriate outfit that actually matched! Miracles never cease. If you only knew what he came out of his room wearing last Sunday before church, you would celebrate with me.

As much as I want to celebrate his successes, I would love to relive one of those days with my sweet baby boy leaving the house going commando and wearing mismatched clothes.

Ahh, who I am kidding? That will probably be tomorrow!

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