Friday, July 12, 2013

Smart, Smarter, Smartest

Today I realized that nothing can quite prepare you for the day when you realize your child is smarter than the parent. The shock is felt even stronger, though, when your child is only ten years old.

During today's day trip to a science museum, Evan was throwing out big science words like trajectory, friction, and momentum, and when I tried to do the same and throw out a suggestion, he said, "A moving force will increase momentum when friction has been reduced." It was all more than I could process, so I nodded my head and told him he had a well thought out plan.

Then these two almost got kicked out of the art museum for touching the limestone monuments. I almost died when I found one attempting a dive through one statue and another attempting to climb atop a limestone carving of a coyote.

The bubble cave was a safer bet. Soap and water didn't prove too much of an academic challenge for me, and there were no limestone monuments that anyone could destroy in here. We had one misstep with a near broken nose so we called it a day.

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