Monday, December 19, 2011

Texas Bound

"Mom, tomorrow I think we need to leave GA at about 5:00AM. That should get us to Oma's house at 7:00, just in time for dinner.....What? You don't like that idea? But 5:00 is the time you get up for school every day. You should be used to it by now cuz I think you've been doing that for like fifteen years or something....."

A few minutes pass.

"Mom, I was thinkin'. I think we should probably try to leave GA at 1:00AM so that we can get to Oma's before it's dark. What? You don't like that idea either? Just think. We will be the only people on the road at that time and just think how fast we could go."

A few minutes pass.

"Mom, I was thinkin'. Why don't we just leave tonight after dinner? I could sleep. Keagan could sleep. You wouldn't have to listen to us fight, and then we would be at Oma's house in time for lunch and in time to play football with Opa!"

Evan, I was just thinkin'. I can't wait for you to be sixteen so that you can drive all night and get us to Oma's by lunch!

15 hours in a car with two boys, driving a car on its last leg. I think I must be crazy. I keep telling myself it will all be worth it, though, when I reach that Texas line. 

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