Thursday, May 15, 2014

Art Fair

Tonight was the school art fair. Just like last year, the boys pleaded with me to skip the event; they tried their best to persuade me that soccer practice was more important. Just like last year, I was adamant about seeing their work. I yelled until they got in the car. You might be concerned with my mention of yelling, but I actually consider a few screams a success because last year I had to threaten spending soccer games on the bench to get the boys in the car. 

There were hundreds of people at the school when we arrived. Keagan commented, "I don't get it! Why are there so many people who want to look at art?"

Evan's class created power points in technology class and made hot air balloons as part of their WW2 unit. Supposedly hot air balloons were used to block air space so that enemy attacks were more difficult. Only one side of Evan's balloon actually got painted, and I am still trying to figure out why he came home with red paint all over his shirt on Tuesday when his balloon is blue. It will remain a mystery because I'm afraid of the truth. Evan's class also painted landscapes and flowers. Evan's flower was beautiful. I was so impressed and said as much. Evan responded, "Don't get excited, Mom! I had someone else do it for me. They owed me a favor."

 Keagan's class created super heroes, made mixed media owls, and wrote I Am poems in technology class. Should I be concerned that he sees cats and dogs fighting at school? I actually laughed when I saw his super hero. I laughed so hard, I cried. His teacher laughed along with us and commented that Keagan might not excel at art, but he can excel in the academics. She led us to the classroom to the book fair projects.

He earned a 100 on this project. My OCD couldn't keep me calm enough to actually read the board. I wanted to rip off those crooked pieces of paper on orange construction paper and so badly that I finally just walked away. God forbid, if a student tried to turn that in to me! 

So we survived another art fair, and I have several more pieces of art to add to my collection. The school was absolutely stunning with the walls covered in beautiful works of art. 

But to see the boys surrounded by friends was definitely the most heart warming. 

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