Saturday, May 31, 2014

Don't Play with Fire

Because we don't like any free time on the weekends. Because I'm crazy. Just because we can.

The boys are playing 3v3 this summer. Our team name is El Fuego ('The Fire' for all of you Gringos).

It's soccer, and I can't think of anything to say about soccer that I haven't said in the last five years except to say I produced a whoppin' amount of Vitamin D today. My next invention will be a sideline chair that will allow you to flip and tan both sides of your legs while still enjoying the game. Because right now I have two distinct leg colors: white and freckled brown.

As finalists, we advance to the regional tournament later this summer.

The boys are hoping to advance to the national tournament in Orlando, Wes is hoping we lose the next tournament so we don't have to go to Orlando (aka "The Moneytrap"), and I'm wishing Orlando was in Italy or Spain. However, if Orlando is anything like it was the last time we were there, then the overwhelming number of foreigners there will make it feel like we are in Spain. Regardless, we will be there, and I have one piece of advice for the opposing team "Ten cuidado con El Fuego."

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