Monday, June 2, 2014

He Said It

Keagan: "Mom, when I grow up and make it big in the NBA, the first thing I am gonna buy is a beach house for you. Then I'm gonna give some money to the American Cancer Society. Then I am gonna build houses for the homeless. But don't worry! I'll keep some money for me, too, because well...I earned it."

Me: "Oh, honey! That's so sweet. No one would expect you to give all of your money away, but it is thoughtful of you to consider how you can help others."

Two minutes later....

Keagan: "Mom, I think it would be cool to be a mailman because then you could steal everyone's birthday money. If I had a son, I would want him to be a mailman, too, so we could gather all of our stolen packages and share it."

This is something I never thought I would say: We are praying the whole NBA career comes to fruition because the alternative doesn't look promising enough.

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