Saturday, June 28, 2014

He's Dead On

Wes has wanted a new gun for months, maybe a year now, and I have repeatedly said it was not worth the money. During this last extended TDY, Wes ate tuna packets and slept in a hotel in the ghetto for weeks on end so he could save his TDY money and buy a gun. Upon returning to TN, he immediately went to the gun counter at the PX and bought his prized rifle. He had sacrificed good food and nights of sound sleep and deserved his new toy.

Since then, Wes and the boys have been target shooting at the range several times this summer, and today Wes secured a pistol crossbow. The boys couldn't wait to try it out! They set up a make-shift target and got started.

Keagan shot and the dart flew over the target and into the bushes, never to be found. I shot and the dart flew over the target and into the bushes. Evan shot and the dart hit dead center!

I think Wes has found his new target shooting partner!

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