Wednesday, July 2, 2014

365 Days in our "Home" state

Today marks one full year of living in Tennessee. I can't believe that the year has gone by so quickly! We have learned to love it here, truly love it, but I know the itch to move and try something different can't be too far away. Here's what I know to be true about the Volunteer State.

1. Country music - You better like it because it consumes the state. From concerts, to billboards, to cultural events, to the radio, you can't escape it.

2. The Land - Farm land stretches as far as the eye can see. Unfortunately, the farmers can make more money selling the land than farming it. Corn fields and soybean farms are quickly disappearing. Hence, the location of our current home. I will have to move when my backyard corn/soybean field becomes phase five of the neighborhood.

3. The accent - It's country and we laugh every time we hear a native speak with it. I still find it odd to hear it while watching a soccer game.

4. People - The people here are extremely friendly. We have never made so many friends so quickly in such a short amount of time.

5. Basketball - Basketball is very popular in this part of the nation - even with white kids. They all dream of playing for Kentucky one day, and everyone pretends it can be a real possibility.

6. Sink Holes - They are real. Who knew? Yellow caution tape here doesn't mean a crime has been committed; it means the ground may fall out from beneath you. Watch your step!

We have quickly adopted our new state as "home." We are hoping for another eighteen months here. If we are lucky, we might get to stretch that into three years.

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