Saturday, July 12, 2014

What's Cold and Hot and Burns All Over?

After spending the last few days at football camp, the boys were complaining of sore legs. They were literally hobbling around the house and walking like old men when they woke up on Friday morning. I suggested they stretch their legs out, but by evening, Keagan was still hurting. To get some relief, he decided to rub some Icy Hot on his thighs. He rubbed and rubbed and rubbed. I tucked him into bed, promising his legs would feel better tomorrow.

About ten minutes later, I hear him scooting down the stairs and whimpering. When I meet him in the hallway, he cries, "It burns in all the wrong places." I am confused. He continues, "Mom, it somehow got on my parts and I'm on fire. I keep trying to hold it to make the pain go away but it isn't working. IT BUUUURRRNS!"

I rushed him to the shower, laughing the entire trip up the stairway, and told him to try to rinse as much of it off as he could. He put on clean pajamas, got back into bed, and said, "I think I have permanent damage."

Only Keagan. Evan promises it didn't burn that much; he was convinced that Keagan was being over-dramatic. He even suggested testing his theory with his own Icy Hot experiment, but Wes quickly put a stop to it.

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