Friday, July 18, 2014

Fantasy Football

Last year Evan wanted to create a team in a fantasy football league, but he waited too long and missed the opportunity. This year he was determined to create a team and participate. He did his homework and made a list of possible draftees before draft day arrived. He was ready.

He was at the computer today three hours before the draft opened, waiting patiently for it to open, all the while debating his need for two kickers (I told him two weren't necessary; he didn't listen to me), his first choice (I said it needed to be a RB; he chose a QB.), and the best tight end (to my dismay he didn't chose Witten).

He was beside himself when in his rush to get his picks in on time, he accidentally chose Romo for his QB instead of Wilson. He tried all afternoon and night trying to get Romo traded. He knew he had no chance of getting Wilson, so he attempted to get Tannehill. He wrote to another team manager, "Let me keep this simple. I take Tannehill. You take Romo." No trade transpired. 

Tonight Yahoo scored his draft choices with a grade of B-. His team is predicted to finish in third. That's pretty good for an 11 year old competing against adults; he of course, thinks it's horrible. He later told me, "Mom, you were right about not needing two kickers. I was wrong; remember this because it doesn't happen very often."

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