Sunday, July 27, 2014

Saying Goodbye to the Courts

This weekend marks the end of our basketball "spring season." We've had a season that has exceeded my expectations! Today we played in the AAU regionals tournament and came home with second. 

This season we played in eleven tournaments, and the boys have had four first place wins and five second place wins. I couldn't even begin to outline the successes that Evan has achieved. He plays today like a completely different player. The progress he has made in five months is truly remarkable! Just this weekend he scored a game tying three pointer with a minute left in the game. He then had a jump shot that put us ahead with only seconds left. His success is, in part anyway, due to these two guys; Coach Kevin and Coach Vince have been so patient with Evan and have gone above and beyond to see him succeed.

More than the basketball skills, though, Evan has made some great friends with some great boys. Boys that our paths would not have crossed otherwise. 

As great of a season we might have had, though, I'm ready to kick some balls. Fall soccer has begun and nothing could make me happier. 

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