Thursday, June 12, 2014

Get Your Motors Running

Thousands of dollars on accommodations, hundreds of dollars on food, and the boys' highlight of our annual beach trip was a $7 go-cart ride.  A go cart ride that lasted all of about five minutes. I guess this view just doesn't mean as much to the boys as it means to me.

In their defense, it was cloudy and there was a slight chance of rain, so we agreed to get away from the beach and ride go carts for just a couple of hours. Evan drives a go-cart like he plays soccer. No one gets past him - except for maybe Daddy.

Keagan loved the ride once he and Wes were able to pass Evan on the backside of the track, but he was frustrated beyond belief when he was told by the go-cart operator he was too short to drive a car on his own. Oh, the injustice of being shorter than big brother! He looked up at me with those long lashes fluttering and asked, "Just when am I going to grow, Mom? 

I guess I could save thousands of dollars and just take the boys go-cart racing next summer, but then I would miss watching this:

Summer just wouldn't be the same.

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