Wednesday, June 4, 2014

It's Summer and We Aren't Moving

The boys finished one of three basketball camps of the summer today. Keagan told me yesterday he couldn't believe I had his calendar booked solid through the summer, and Evan responded, "Well, that's better than what we did last summer. Cleaning, packing, moving with a cat, unpacking and more cleaning is no way to spend a summer."

I hear you, Wise One. That's why when I look at this picture I am saddened that two boys are moving to Alabama next week and two more boys are PCSing to Colorado this weekend. But I'm also so thankful it's them and not us!

The Boys

Keagan's highlight of the week was demonstrating a dribbling skill for all of the campers "while everyone else, including the high schoolers, oohhhed and aahhhed over his skills." (Humble he is not.) The high school coach asked which school he attended, and when Keagan replied, the coach told him he looked forward to having him on his roster in six years. I didn't have the heart to tell Keagan we will have moved two times by the time those six years are completed.

Evan's highlight was having a three pointer competition with the high school players and WINNING! Of course, when I asked how camp went, he didn't give me the important details. Keagan went into the full story, though, when Evan, my boy of few words, said, "It was fun."

We are now headed to the store to buy water guns because we are making up for lost summer fun! 

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