Monday, May 26, 2014

All Heart

Basketball season is still going strong. We are now about half way through our "spring" season. I never thought I would be so nervous watching a basketball game, but I was pacing the top row of bleachers at last night's championship game like a college scholarship was on the line. 

Evan began the season playing maybe eight minutes a game; he spent the majority of the games on the bench watching his teammates play. In the last four months, though, he has worked really hard to improve his skill set. He has listened to every piece of advice his coaches have given him, and after most team practices, he actually comes home to practice more. Once, about a month ago, he missed six shots in one game. When we got back home, he spent an hour and half doing nothing but shooting baskets. 

I am proud to say he is now a starter and plays the majority of each game. This weekend he was responsible for each of the team's tip-offs. He won all five of them.

What Evan lacks in talent, he completely makes up with heart. He still has a long way to go, but Evan's coach sent me a text last night that said, "Evan had a GREAT game tonight. He works so hard and has a bright future ahead of him."

The team won first place at this weekend's tournament. It is not our first championship. I believe it is our third, but Evan is smiling the biggest because he has had the most to prove. Victory is sweet, but it is even sweeter when you have proven you can play with the best!

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