Saturday, September 8, 2012

Are you ready for some futbol?

Are you ready for some futbol? And by that I mean soccer, of course! Our fall season kicked off today!

Believe me when I say I shed a few tears in July and August when it became very clear that the boys' favorite sport included something other than football. In May I had a flash image of myself sitting in the bleachers at a high school football game with a shirt that said, "QB's Mom" written across my back, and I knew my dream of being that mom was quickly fading. I wanted that dream and my dry bean laden milk jug more than I realized. However, when the boys decided to play with a local soccer academy, we were left with no time for any other sports. Three days a week we drive 75 min to practice. Three days a week we drive 75 min back home after practice. Today I drove 3.5 hours to Evan's first friendly.

Can I just tell you that blue never looked so good on a player? Even a sweating boy?

He is completely in his element on the field and may or may not have been called for a foul or two or dozen. This may have been one of them.
It is also pure physics that when a 50 pound boy runs into a 92 pound boy, the 92 pound boy will win every time. The opposing team never finds this very fun either. So they cry foul while the little guy finds himself sprawled out helplessly upon the ground.
I made no apologies today, though, and actually found comfort in the shoves in the back and the collar grabs.   It was a tiny slice of football at the futbol game.

I guess I should also admit that even though I did sign the paper that said I would refrain from speaking any negative words while on the sideline, I still yelled. A lot. Evan told me he knew I would never be able to go an entire game sitting quietly. I was extremely sorry to disappoint him with my lack of obedience with team-mom rules. However, my reminders kept my young lad from being off-sides at least a half dozen times. That should count for something. And I keep telling myself that I am still able to talk this evening so I really couldn't have been that bad on the sidelines. Yelling. Encouraging. Uplifting. Developing.

 Perhaps next week I will create my dry bean noise maker.

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