Tuesday, September 18, 2012


My boys learned how to play MASH at school this week. This would be the same MASH game that was played hundreds of times in the late 80s by every tween girl in study hall. And now my 8 and almost 10 year old BOYS are beyond intrigued with the mind numbing game.

I have one thing to say about the game that predicts your future: Jeepers!, that's so OLD SCHOOL, Boys! Let me give you a few pointers, though, Guys, about the appropriate way to play. I may know what I am talking about here.

1. The names written on the top left corner are not supposed to be the names of kids you want to room with in college. They are supposed to be names of your possible future spouse. I mean who cares who your roomie will be when the game can identify your life partner?

2. M stands for Mansion. A stands for apartment, and yes, it can be a luxury apartment in NYC if you so wish.

3. The numbers 1, 2, and 3 are supposed to represent the number of kids you will have and not the number of sports you will letter in while in high school. Although, I totally support multi-lettering in high school - especially if it will save me thousands of dollars in college tuition.

4. Which leads me nicely into my next observation. My older son put on his game board that he wanted one of these three professions: NFL player, football commentator, and sports statistician. My younger son said he wished to be an athlete in the Olympics, a MLS player, or a NBA player. Is there a pattern here, Folks? I'm hoping it means college is paid in full.

Nothing is better than listening to Keagan belly laugh when he manipulates the game board to ensure Evan lands on S and lives his golden years in a shack. Who knew living in a shack could be so funny? But paybacks from Evan are almost certain. Keagan is currently slated to be the best waste disposal guy in America!

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