Friday, May 24, 2013

Farewell Friends

Today was not just the last day of the school; it was also the boys' last day of school in Georgia. Although I felt the teachers were top notch and some of the hardest working teachers I have ever known, this school exposed my boys to a way of life that was so different from our own. The diversity in the student population was perhaps the most obvious difference, but there were socio-economic differences that often left Evan asking more questions that I had answers. Both boys returned home almost weekly with stories that were just down right depressing, and yet, we continued going to school each day wondering what new event would spark an even sadder story.

Keagan had a hard time saying good-bye to his best friends. Last night he wrote notes to each of them and included his email address and phone number in hopes that they might keep in touch.

Every part of me wanted to box up the little guy in white and take him with us to Tennessee. These boys have been together since kindergarten and have so many wonderful memories together. The two have absolutely nothing in common except a gentle spirit and a willingness to look beyond stereotypes.

As you may have guessed, Evan was much less sentimental about saying good-bye. He said he had one friend he wished to stay in contact with.

This school has been such an unique experience for us. I almost feel guilty for trying so hard to find a house at our next duty station in the "perfect" neighborhood.

Be good to us Tennessee. We anxiously await our next unique experience...whatever that may be...

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