Saturday, May 11, 2013

Early Morning

This morning I found both boys in their pajamas playing soccer in the front yard at 0815. The neighbors say they hate to see us leave, but I know they really want to know how much longer they must endure screams of "GGGGOOOOAAALLL!!!!" in the early morning hours. 

Truth be told, they may be forced to put up with us for another month because our house hunting venture has hit a standstill. Sorry, Neighbor, but if you only realized how difficult it is to keep my house standing when the boys are playing sports indoors, you would understand.

Today's soccer games were played locally. I would be lying if I weren't counting down the number of drives I must make to Savannah before the spring soccer season ends. In case you were wondering, it's nine. In two weeks.

Evan played three games in a row today. He literally played soccer from 1215 - 1615. Keagan played two games, and as I type, both boys are outside playing basketball. Sometimes I wish I had normal kids - kids who sit and play video games. Kids who don't have to be in motion every waking hour. Kids who don't feel compelled to get in a quick game at 0815 on a Saturday morning. And then I realize that if that were the case, I wouldn't be able to see this on the weekend.

It's so worth it!

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