Monday, April 28, 2014

Who Knew a Rainy Day Could Prove so Educational?

 The boys and I were all sent home early today with the threat of large hail and fifty mile per hour winds. We were warned to rush home and take cover. We did and we've been waiting for four hours for the storms. I think the sun shining means we are in the clear. I want to thank the weather man who knew how much I needed an afternoon at home and granted me my wish with false warnings!

Today, with all of that free time we had, Keagan and I saw a set of goldfinches, and I know that only because I googled "yellow bird" and I found some pictures that resembled the bird in my backyard. Keagan took this picture after he said, "OOhh, Mom! I didn't know yellow birds lived outside of the rainforest!" 

If an early dismissal, a phone chat with an old friend, and bird watching didn't fill my afternoon with complete joy, then surely my boys' excitement over their introduction to Snackeez Travel Cups has. If you haven't seen the infomercial, then you have no idea how exciting this new product might be. Apparently, I didn't either because I saw the product on TV one day last week, and I didn't think twice about it. However, my boys were so excited about this product that they came to me big eyed and full of animation this afternoon trying to describe the implications it could have on their lives. They were in complete awe of an invention that would allow them to drink AND eat from the same cup, and they are convinced that this is a need that must be fulfilled immediately. I mean, how many times do you wish you could eat cheeze-its and drink Hi-C fruit juice all from the same cup?

I guess we spend too much time engrossed in athletic events because my boys think Snackeez Travel Cups could solve their biggest problems in life and colorful birds don't exist outside of the tropics. Who knew a rainy day could prove so educational?

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