Saturday, June 12, 2010

i-9 Football

Sadly, football season has come to an end.

When Evan was awarded an end of year trophy and a medal for showing sportsmanship on the field, Coach told Evan he expected to see him on TV in a few years playing college ball. Hence the big smile. Evan (and maybe his mama) share the dream. 

Evan had several great tackles and a really good run in today's game. He wanted to wear his Silly Bands from the tooth fairy to today's game. I was able to persuade him to believe that there is nothing tough about wearing tye died animal Silly Bands to a football game. In the end, he agreed. I even suggested he wear the tangelo stained wrist bands instead. At least the wrist bands are related to sporting wear. There is nothing athletic about boys wearing bracelets.

Coach Byrd, Keagan, and Coach Lynch

I love this shot because it just shows pure concentration. The ref told us after the game that Keagan was his favorite player in the pee-wee league because he is always so intense. I told him he comes by it naturally, but the ref already knew that. He saw me running along the sideline next to Keagan giving him "encouragement" during his fifty yard run.

Team Buckeyes - We celebrated the end of the season with doughnuts and trophies. Keagan was also awarded a medal for showing sportsmanship on the field. It is now bedtime and Keagan still hasn't removed the medal. I foresee our attendance at church tomorrow with the boys wearing Silly Bands and football medals.

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