Friday, June 25, 2010

Bookworm Withdrawals

I was having withdrawals. I hadn't seen a shopping center in almost a week. And forget clothes. I buy them all on-line anyway. I could spend hours browsing the aisles of bookstores. When in college, Wes and I used to spend every Friday night in Dallas shopping at all of the bookstores off of 75. Today our boys love the opportunity to book shop, and it is fairly common for them to request a trip to the bookstore.

Unless you count the "Super Wal-Mark", there is no bookstore in Hinesville. As Keagan says, "they got lots of corn yards" but not much else. So when Wes suggested a trip to Savannah to do a little shopping today, I didn't hesitate to jump at the chance. In fact, I was so excited that I left the house without full make-up. That means true excitement in my world, or in the least, the desire to avoid anything that might make me hotter than the already 105 degree heat. In addition to my excitement, we really needed another set of blinds for Evan's bedroom before the little girls down the street get an eyeful one night.

So we made the long trip to Savannah, the shopping mecca, and stocked up on a supply of books, blinds for the bedroom, curtains for another room, and a deep desire to eat at Krispy Kreme because I had no idea when we might return to the shopping mecca, and I am pretty sure that the "Doughnut Delights" located three miles from my front door can't come close to comparing to a Krispy Kreme doughnut.
In the end, we were all satisfied with our purchases. During evening quiet time, this is what we found. 

 I think we might have all been experiencing
 the same withdrawals. 

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