Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Super Hero Camp

Keagan is attending Super Hero Camp this week through the local rec center. He was certain that costumes would be allowed, but since all of our traditional super hero costumes have holes in all the wrong places, I persuaded him to wear a Star Wars t-shirt instead.

When he returned home to say that his team won the toilet paper contest and wrapped the villain with the most paper in one minute, I was able to visualize immediate future success in life. Especially if he plans to attend bridal showers and make wedding dresses.

He says it was "a really fun time", and I guess he really did enjoy himself. He came home with lots of stories and even earned a prize for being the best listener. He says he will go back tomorrow, and since I have paid for the camp, that works well for me.

Tomorrow he says he will learn how to see through walls, leap tall buildings, and climb skyscrapers. 

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