Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fun Run

Don't let the name fool ya. There was nothing fun about my first 5K race. With 85 degree temps and 500% humidity, it was hotter than Hades. It was inevitable that retirees and small children would pass me before the one mile mark, but I never, ever imagined that I would also be passed by a lap dog. It happened. And I wanted to step on its leash because there was no need to throw in my face that I am slow, but I never caught up. Poor dog. He has no idea what almost happened to him.

For two years I have had this impossible dream of becoming a runner. I have tried training on a treadmill, running in the neighborhood, and trying various on-line running programs. I am still not where I have always envisioned myself. Namely, running without breathing like I am dying and running without a face so scarlet red, that passersby contemplate seeking medical attention for me. But I DID IT. I RAN MY FIRST RACE! Because I now have a bib with my name on it, I feel like I can officially classify myself as a runner.

The highlight of the day was not my finishing my 5K run. The boys ran the Husky 1 miler and they ran a 9.26 minute mile. I couldn't believe that they had made it under 11 minutes. They approached the finish line running side by side like they had been training for months. I have never felt prouder of them.

And they don't have scarlet red faces. I don't know how they did it with such ease.

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