Friday, January 1, 2010

The Preacher that Married the Farragh Girls

Last Sunday we attended services at my home church. The preacher there, Brother Jim, has pastored the church for years. Among other things, he presided over the marriage ceremonies of my sister and me.

When we entered the foyer of the building, Brother Jim greeted us and attempted a conversation with Evan. As usual, Evan had nothing to say to the strange adult because he is "shy" (or that is what Evan would like for us to believe). Jim made the off-hand remark that he married me and Wes a long time ago, patted Evan's head, and moved on to the next set of visitors.

Evan appeared really confused and began to ask questions. We tried to remind him that Brother Jim is the same man that married Aunt Vikki just a few years ago. Didn't he remember?

With eyes as big as saucers, he asked, "You mean that guy is married to mom AND Aunt Vikki?"

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