Friday, January 8, 2010

So, You Think You've Got Talent?

Evan's school is holding its annual talent show this month. I asked Evan if he would like to participate while fully knowing he would quickly rebuff any suggestion of performing in front of a crowd. Instead, he asked the meaning for talent. I responded with a list of various talents: juggling, singing, dancing, twirling a baton...

He said, "I can't do any of that, but I can hold my breath for so long my face turns red. You wanna see it?"

Now that's a talent that would make any mama real proud!

Update 2014: As it turns out, Evan claimed to have the talent of speed. So he arranged to carry a football with the plan of scoring a touchdown while two defenders were hot on his tail. To his dismay, while he was running, he tripped and fell on his face. Both defenders were on him within in seconds, and he wasn't able to score a touchdown. 

Evan says the memory still haunts him to this day.

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