Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Master Skip Counter

Keagan earned his first academic certificate today. I am especially proud that it is in the field of mathematics; today he was able to county by 5s. Because I had no idea that this would be assessed today, I was a little surprised to find the award in his take home folder. I was even more surprised to learn that a junior kindergarten program would even assess such a skill. The teacher is after my own heart for sure!

Then I worried that Keagan might have been the kid that had finally gotten it today when everyone else had moved on to M&M graphs. The horror of this realization was, for me anyway, greater than any harm that an oral math test might be for a five year old. I was relieved to know that today was the first "test", and when I asked Keagan about it, he said, "My teacher likes me the best because I am so smart!"

So it appears we have mastered skip counting AND we have more than enough self-confidence.

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