Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow and More Snow

The two inches of snow predicted to fall today somehow evolved into a winter storm warning. I don't know how much we are supposed to get once this storm passes, but it is quite beautiful and pleasant to watch while sitting inside the house in front of the fire. 

The scene inside the house, however, is not nearly as tranquil. With screams of "Lung Shot!" and "Right in the Spine!", the sounds of gun shots are resonating through the house. Wes's birthday present arrived in the mail yesterday, and since we are snowed in, the boys have spent the day playing Cabella's Big Game Hunt on the Wii.

The boys' infatuation with guns, the woods, and wild animals has not diminished since our return from Texas. If anything it has intensified. If it weren't snowing so hard, I would escape all of this testosterone. But I'm stuck so I will sit back and enjoy it all; even the slaps on the back with each big kill. 

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