Thursday, January 7, 2010

Out With the Old, In With the New

If it isn't the smell of starch and the steam of an iron wafting down the halls. If it isn't the talk of confessions and crime scenes. If it isn't having to share the bed with Wes for four days IN A ROW for the first time in almost five years. If none of these clues were proof that Wes has indeed returned to his old job of criminal investigator, then it is his late afternoon call home to state he has an initial report to complete on a dead body and he won't be home any time soon. My bets were on February for the first phone call. Who would have known it would take only four days? Thanks, CID, for welcoming us back with such heart-warming events. And we have how many more years of this?

For those that don't know, Wes left his job working for the Secretary in mid-November, and after he was called back a couple of days later to take a trip to West Point, he officially left PSU again on December 21. Wes has now returned to his original assignment in the Army...criminal investigator.

And because crime always occurs during regular working hours (this includes no weekends and no holidays), and because I am such a flexible person, this new assignment works really well for me. (Please read the sarcasm in that last statement.) I am wishing for our original assignment in Italy even harder than usual today.

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