Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Great Debate

This week Keagan was faced with one big decision; he had to choose the t-ball team he would play for this spring. A friend of mine at school will be coaching the Marlins, and because he has coached baseball for years, I thought it was the perfect fit for Keagan. However, Keagan had also been asked by his friend Cody to join his team.

Although we encouraged Keagan to take some time to think on it and refrain from signing any letters of intent too early, he took it upon himself to declare his team without much debate. After all, it was only polite that he go with the team that recruited him first. So because cookies are way cooler than big fish, Keagan will not play for the Marline but for the "Oreos." Keagan is certain that this means that the team colors are black and white and that cookies will be served after every game. I didn't have the heart to tell him that "Oreos" is really Orioles and his mascot is not the best tastin' cookie but an orange and black bird!

He will find out soon enough. I better bring a sleeve of Oreo cookies to the first practice to help him with the disappointment.

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