Monday, December 28, 2009

You Know You're In Texas If...

10. It takes longer to drive from the airport to the house than it does to fly across six states.

9. Your five year old asks, "Everyone talks so slow. Why don't we talk like that?"

8. Your seven year old says, "Mom, what happens when two people have different skin colors and they get married?" and you are afraid to answer the question because of what might happen when you give your liberal (I use that loosely and you must be reminded "liberal" through the eyes of a Texan) based response among much more conservative and biased people.

7. One of your niece's first words is "TOUCHDOWN!" and it is complete with the hands up in the air.

6. The preacher's Sunday morning sermon includes stories with parallels to pick up trucks, creek beds, and loyal dogs.

5. The A&M school song resonates through the house.

4. You have deer meat for dinner.

3. Your kids hunt for deer in the back yard so as to secure the next meal.

2. Your children disregard anyone speaking Spanish and don't think for a moment that it might be "strange" and instead cause a scene with their screeches of laughter when they hear Japanese spoken.

1. The kids receive camoflauge bibs and coveralls as Christmas gifts....and like it!

We are spending the week in Texas and lovin' every minute of it!

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