Saturday, December 12, 2009

Santa Train

On the day that tickets went on sale for the local Santa train, I was convinced that I was the only person in NoVA who knew that they were available for the first time on-line. So I expected no problems purchasing the tickets. I timed my lesson plan on that Monday so my students would be in the middle of independent seat work while I made my secret purchase. I had no idea I was fighting thousands of other crazed moms for the twenty tickets available on-line. I was horrified when within five minutes of logging on the site, SOLD OUT flashed before my eyes in big bold Christmas colors.

Assuming that I would have to explain to my sweet boys that the holiday train ride planned with the Big Guy in Red was a no-go, I made one last ditch effort to find tickets. I was told I could get them if I drove to the Manassas train station. I did and I got them. Praise, Jesus! Because the look of relief on Evan's face when I finally held the precious things in my hands, told me that he wanted this more than I ever imagined.

Today was the big day and we were lucky enough to ride in a car with only one other family. It was a quiet ride and fairly relaxing. When Santa finally arrived, he was less than jolly and acted like it was a real nuisance to take a picture with two very well behaved and cooperating boys, but that didn't keep Evan and Keagan from whispering their wish lists to Mrs. Clause. Would you believe that they whispered the exact toys stowed away under my bed? 

We had much better luck later in the afternoon with the Santa at Party City. Just as last year, he gave the kids goodie bags and allowed the kids to sit on his lap for a full five minutes. Keagan couldn't have been happier.

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