Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Get-a-Way

Instead of going over the top with big name toys that the boys will spend a day (or a week if we are lucky) playing with, we try to take a short family vacation prior to the Christmas holiday. This year our family experience took place at Great Wolf Lodge. Two years ago we made the same trip, but it was an entirely new experience now that both boys can swim and feel so comfortable in the water.

While I sat under the heater with a book, Wes took the boys through the water park. Keagan tried to surf for the first time, and in true form, he was able to to stay on the board after only one try. The kid can do anything requiring any type of athletic ability. Evan entered the water park and went straight for the big slides. He was looking for the excitement of big falls and dark slides.

The morning we checked out of the resort and dropped by the arcade room to play a few games. It was like Chuck E Cheese in the dark, and because I do not like Chuck E Cheese, this was not my idea of fun. Without hesitation, Keagan ran to the car rides, and I was left monitoring him as he raced and crashed into everything. But it was all worth it for him when he saw the girls in bikinis cheering for him. Evan, on the other hand, played every sports related game he could find. If it had a ball, he was playing; he was looking to compete and win.

Remind me to never, ever play the Magic Quest game at GWL ever again because if I have to search for a pixie hidden in a tree, decipher clues in a rule book, or listen to the instructions of the old-man wizard, I might just come to blows with Evan. Keagan randomly hit every piece in the Magic game with his magic wand and somehow became a Junior Magi. I have no idea how he did this because he never captured one rune. Evan, however, wanted to battle the dragon without capturing any runes. When I tried to explain this to him, I was immediately dismissed because as a female, I must know nothing of the ways of make-believe wizards. At 9:00 last night, I thought that we would return with one-less child. However, after a good night's rest, I persuaded Evan he needed to capture a rune or two and we did that this morning before leaving the resort.

We left the resort with an experience or two, some better than others, but we are so very thankful to be together again this Christmas season.

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