Thursday, December 24, 2009

With Love, Evan and Keagan

You might recall that last year Evan purchased a flashing lights ring for me for Christmas from the school’s Holiday Gift Shop. It was the most precious gift! This year I fully expected something similar, and if not another ring, I assumed it would be the lipstick case proudly displayed at the entrance of the holiday shop.

Imagine my surprise when I opened this....

A test tube of gel with a furry spider included!

When I asked Evan what I was supposed to do with it, he replied, "Play tricks on people with it, Mom!" I started laughing so hard that he then said, "See, Mom? You already like it. You are going to have lots of fun with it!"

And Keagan? He was allowed to attend the Holiday Gift Shop this year and he bought gifts with his allowance as well. In addition to purchasing a gift for himself (the monster truck was calling his name!), he purchased a robotic reading lamp for me.

He was so proud of the gift because he knows that I read almost every night. He told me he bought it so that I could "read stories in bed." So very thoughtful!

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