Monday, December 7, 2009

Camper of the Week

There is no debating that Evan and his first grade teacher got off to a rocky start this school year. It might have had something to do with his very pushy and assertive mother who questioned the teacher from the get-go, but that was only once.or twice. Anyway, after mornings of hiding behind the toilet, after countless pleas to be like Noah and to be home-schooled, and after screaming matches of "GET DRESSED ALREADY!!!", I didn't think that we would survive the first quarter. Here we are, though, in the middle of the second quarter, and things seem to be going a little better. Evan gets up and dressed with no more tears and the teacher has seemed to take a greater interest in Evan and my opinions of how Evan learns best.:)

On Friday he was chosen as Camper of the Week. Never mind that we are in week fourteen of the school year and half the class has already been chosen. Never mind that the only kids that have not been chosen are the kids with severe behavior problems. As I write this, I am only slightly worried with the above observations. More than anything I am thankful that he was not the last one to be chosen. It is still Evan's week in the spotlight and so we begin the week of celebration.

His first reward...Complete the Me Poster.


Another artsy, fartsy, draw, sketch, and color project. Evan was thrilled, but not nearly as much as I.

When we put the last piece together on Sunday afternoon, Evan said, "I don't know, Mom. It doesn't look like any Me Poster that I have seen before!"

Let's hope the teacher gives points for being unique!

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