Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let It Snow!

I am having a hard time envisioning twenty inches of snow. I saw one deep snow when we lived in Ansbach, but it was more like ten inches. I am not sure how anyone prepares for that much snow, and because no one here in the city really believed that the storm would be this big, not many people did much to prepare. So after work today I joined the millions of other people who were out in full force trying to take care of last minute errands, fully expecting to be snowed in for the next three days. And because the meteorologists add another inch or two of snow to the expected total about every three hours, I am now really worried that I didn't do enough to prepare. Here was our plan as of 7:25 this morning when I left for work:

- Purchase salt for the sidewalks and driveway. I am not really sure why we did this because a fine dusting of salt will not do much with twenty inches of snow sitting on top of it. At 7:00 this morning it seemed to make a lot more sense.

- Does anyone send Christmas cards anymore? After debating this for weeks, I decided to just skip it this year. I couldn't find a good picture of the boys to put on the card (really, Evan, can you just smile once???). It's just plain expensive at 44 cents a pop for postage. After deciding to just forget it, I found myself at the post office today buying two books of holiday stamps so the cards will arrive before Santa does.

- Purchase sleds. For the past two years, the boys have used the sled of our 19 year old neighbor. She is a girl. The sled is pink. Wes decided he wasn't going to spend the entire week photo-shopping the pink sled in our wonderful snow pictures (the picture that should probably be on our Christmas card), and he didn't want anyone to know his boys were sitting on anything dainty and feminine like a pink sled. Never mind it moves like a bullet down the golf course hills and offers hours of pure enjoyment for the boys. Our new sleds are red and blue - very manly choices.

- I made the late night run to Target to score a few supplies. You would assume this would include milk or eggs. Staples that any family would need during a major snowstorm. However, I was in dire need of marsh mellow creme and semi-sweet chocolate chips because with all the time I expect to have, I thought it would be nice to make a batch of fudge. Can you believe that Target does not sell marsh mellow creme? The horror. The bigger horror, though, was the parking lot of Shoppers on 234. There was no way I was entering that mayhem. I decided against fudge and decided to make sugar cookies instead. We will re-emerge from this storm with a few extra pounds because I have some grand baking plans.

- When I heard snow, I knew I wanted a fire. It was too late to call McGyver, the affectionate name we give the LADY that re-lights the antiquated gas stove every year in our house. That meant the job was left to Wes. He took the entire stove apart yesterday morning, and we now sit in front of a warm fire. I owe him big.

We are now armed with salt, sleds, sugar cookies, and a warm fire.

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!!!

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