Friday, May 15, 2020


Today both boys had long awaited hair cut appointments. They had barely gotten out of the driveway when Evan called to say they needed a debit card. Evan has his own card, so this made no sense. In the time it took me to find mine, Evan told me he was at the Dairy Queen drive thru when he dropped his card inside the slot the window rolls down. He was unable to slide a finger in the slot to pull it out. He and Wes are now taking the door off of the Jeep in the hopes of turning it upside down and having the card slide out. 

When the boys returned, Keagan told me he was most pleased with the new girl, Sierra, who cut his hair. (This is a huge compliment because Marissa has been the only one allowed to cut his hair since the Great Clips fiasco four years ago. I’ve been mentally preparing him for six months that he would need to let someone else cut it while his “girl” was at home with her new baby.) Wes stopped him mid-story and asked him why he had to have a new girl. Keagan replied, “Marissa’s on fraternity leave.” 

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