Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother’s Day

I wanted to pick up a few groceries yesterday, but as soon as I got into the parking lot of the grocery store, I decided that was a no-go. The place was packed with people picking up Mother’s Day things. I assumed today in the early morning would be a better time to shop with fewer people, and it was to some degree, but I couldn’t get over the number of men running in at the last minute to get flowers and cards. 

I spent the majority of my day doing my favorite things: sitting in the sun, reading a book, going for a run, and working in the yard. My boys treated me to a new pair of Birkenstock’s. I’ve now lived long enough to experience fashion repeating itself. I feel it’s 1990 again with my hair in a scrunchie and Birks on my feet. 

I’m so grateful to be a mom to these two great boys! After yesterday’s fender bender, I’m even more thankful that they are healthy and well. We will wrap up the evening spread out on the couch watching “The Last Dance.”

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